سرعت حرکت ،عجله ،کاميابى ،ميزان شتاب ،درجه تندى ،وضع ،حالت ،شانس خوب داشتن ،کامياب بودن ،باسرعت راندن ،سريع کارکردن ،تسريع کردن علوم مهندسى : عده دور عمران : سرعت معمارى : سرعت شيمى : تندى روانشناسى : سرعت زيست شناسى : سرعت ورزش : اندازه سرعت ،مدت زمان تمام کردن مسابقه اسبدوانى علوم هوايى : سرعت علوم نظامى : شتاب حرکت

distance travelled per unit time(n)

Synonyms: speed velocity

Hyponyms: airspeed angular velocity c escape velocity groundspeed hypervelocity light speed muzzle velocity peculiar velocity radial velocity speed of light steerageway terminal velocity

Hypernyms: rate

move fast(v)

Synonyms: belt along bucket along cannonball along hasten hie hotfoot pelt along race rush rush along speed step on it

Hyponyms: barge buck charge dart dash flash push forward scoot scud shoot shoot down tear thrust ahead

Hypernyms: go locomote move travel

Examples: He rushed down the hall to receive his guests The cars raced down the street

Antonyms: dawdle linger

a rate (usually rapid) at which something happens(n)

Synonyms: fastness speed swiftness

Hyponyms: execution speed graduality gradualness haste hastiness hurriedness hurry precipitation

Hypernyms: pace rate

Examples: the project advanced with gratifying speed

move faster(v)

Synonyms: accelerate quicken speed speed up

Hyponyms: brisk brisk up brisken

Hypernyms: deepen intensify

Examples: The car accelerated

Antonyms: decelerate retard slow slow down slow up

changing location rapidly(n)

Synonyms: hurrying speed speeding

Hyponyms: acceleration deceleration quickening scud scudding speedup

Hypernyms: motion move movement

move very fast(v)

Synonyms: hurry speed travel rapidly zip

Hyponyms: dart fleet flit flutter run whizz whizz along zoom zoom along

Hypernyms: go locomote move travel

Examples: The runner zipped past us at breakneck speed

the ratio of the focal length to the diameter of a (camera) lens system(n)

Synonyms: f number focal ratio speed stop number

Hypernyms: ratio

travel at an excessive or illegal velocity(v)

Synonyms: speed

Hypernyms: go locomote move travel

Examples: I got a ticket for speeding

a central nervous system stimulant that increases energy and decreases appetite; used to treat narcolepsy and some forms of depression(n)

Synonyms: amphetamine pep pill speed upper

Hyponyms: amphetamine sulfate amphetamine sulphate bennie benzedrine chalk chicken feed crank deoxyephedrine dexedrine dextroamphetamine sulphate glass ice meth methamphetamine methamphetamine hydrochloride methedrine shabu trash

Hypernyms: drug of abuse excitant stimulant stimulant drug street drug

cause to move faster(v)

Synonyms: accelerate speed speed up

Hypernyms: alter change modify

Examples: He accelerated the car

Antonyms: decelerate slow down

In kinematics, the speed of an object is the magnitude of the change of its position over time or the magnitude of the change of its position per unit of time; it is thus a scalar quantity. The average speed of an object in an interval of time is the distance travelled by the object divided by the duration of the interval; the instantaneous speed is the limit of the average speed as the duration of the time interval approaches zero. Speed is the magnitude of velocity, which indicates additionally the direction of motion.