سرچشمه ،منبع ،منشاء،مايه مبداء،ماخذ کامپيوتر : منشاء الکترونيک : منبع برق معمارى : مبداء قانون ـ فقه : منشاء روانشناسى : منبع بازرگانى : ماخذ،منبع علوم هوايى : منبع علوم نظامى : عامل يا جاسوس خارجى براى کسب اطلاعات

the place where something begins, where it springs into being(n)

Synonyms: beginning origin root rootage source

Hyponyms: birthplace cradle derivation fountainhead head headspring headwater home jumping-off place place of origin point of departure point source provenance provenience spring trail head trailhead wellhead wellspring

Hypernyms: point

Examples: the Italian beginning of the Renaissance Jupiter was the origin of the radiation Pittsburgh is the source of the Ohio River communism's Russian root

get (a product) from another country or business(v)

Synonyms: source

Hyponyms: outsource

Hypernyms: obtain

Examples: She sourced a supply of carpet They are sourcing from smaller companies

a document (or organization) from which information is obtained(n)

Synonyms: source

Hyponyms: fountainhead source materials well wellspring

Hypernyms: document papers written document

Examples: the reporter had two sources for the story

specify the origin of(v)

Synonyms: source

Hypernyms: document

Examples: The writer carefully sourced her report

anything that provides inspiration for later work(n)

Synonyms: germ seed source

Hyponyms: muse taproot

Hypernyms: inspiration

a facility where something is available(n)

Synonyms: source

Hyponyms: golconda gold mine goldmine

Hypernyms: facility installation

a person who supplies information(n)

Synonyms: informant source

Hyponyms: betrayer blabber informer leaker passive source rat squealer whistle blower whistle-blower whistleblower

Hypernyms: communicator

someone who originates or causes or initiates something(n)

Synonyms: author generator source

Hyponyms: coiner

Hypernyms: maker shaper

Examples: he was the generator of several complaints

(technology) a process by which energy or a substance enters a system(n)

Synonyms: source

Hyponyms: origin

Hypernyms: action activity natural action natural process

Examples: a heat source a source of carbon dioxide

Antonyms: sink

anything (a person or animal or plant or substance) in which an infectious agent normally lives and multiplies(n)

Synonyms: reservoir source

Hypernyms: thing

Examples: an infectious agent depends on a reservoir for its survival

a publication (or a passage from a publication) that is referred to(n)

Synonyms: reference source

Hypernyms: publication

Examples: he carried an armful of references back to his desk he spent hours looking for the source of that quotation

Source may refer to: