موج صوتى ،طنين ،عمق يابى کردن ،صوت ،اوا،سالم ،درست ،بى عيب ،استوار،بى خطر،دقيق ،مفهوم ،صدا دادن ،صداکردن ،به نظر رسيدن ،بگوش خوردن ،بصدا دراوردن ،نواختن ،بطور ژرف ،کاملا،ژرفاسنجى کردن ،گمانه زدن علوم مهندسى : صوت الکترونيک : صوت معمارى : اوا قانون ـ فقه : سالم روانشناسى : صوت زيست شناسى : صوت ورزش : صوت علوم هوايى : صوت علوم نظامى : صد علوم دريايى : ژرفايابى کردن ،اندازه گيرى عمق اب

the particular auditory effect produced by a given cause(n)

Synonyms: sound

Hyponyms: noisiness racketiness ring unison voice

Hypernyms: sound property

Examples: the sound of rain on the roof the beautiful sound of music

Antonyms: quiet silence

appear in a certain way(v)

Synonyms: sound

Hypernyms: appear look seem

Examples: This sounds interesting

financially secure and safe(a)

Synonyms: sound

Examples: sound investments a sound economy

Antonyms: unsound

Similar: dependable good healthy safe secure solid stable

the subjective sensation of hearing something(n)

Synonyms: auditory sensation sound

Hyponyms: dissonance dub euphony music noise pure tone racket tone

Hypernyms: aesthesis esthesis sensation sense datum sense experience sense impression

Examples: he strained to hear the faint sounds

make a certain noise or sound(v)

Synonyms: go sound

Hyponyms: babble bang beat beep birr blare bleep blow bombilate bombinate boom boom out bubble burble buzz chatter chime chink chug clang clangor clangour clank claxon click clink clop clump clunk crack crash din drone drum echo glug grumble guggle gurgle honk hum knock lap make noise noise patter peal ping pink pitter-patter plunk pop purr rap rattle resonate resound reverberate ring ripple roll rumble rustle sing skirl slosh slush snap snarl splash splat splosh squelch swish swoosh swosh tap thrum thud thump tick ticktack ticktock ting tink tinkle toot trump twang tweet twirp vibrate whir whirr whish whistle whiz whizz

Hypernyms: cause to be perceived

Examples: She went `Mmmmm' The gun went `bang'

exercising or showing good judgment(a)

Synonyms: healthy intelligent level-headed levelheaded sound

Examples: healthy scepticism a healthy fear of rattlesnakes the healthy attitude of French laws healthy relations between labor and management an intelligent solution a sound approach to the problem sound advice no sound explanation for his decision

Similar: reasonable sensible

mechanical vibrations transmitted by an elastic medium(n)

Synonyms: sound

Hyponyms: ultrasound

Hypernyms: mechanical phenomenon

Examples: falling trees make a sound in the forest even when no one is there to hear them

give off a certain sound or sounds(v)

Synonyms: sound

Hyponyms: cackel dissonate pierce play speak

Examples: This record sounds scratchy

in good condition; free from defect or damage or decay(a)

Synonyms: sound

Examples: a sound timber the wall is sound a sound foundation

Antonyms: unsound

Similar: solid strong substantial

the sudden occurrence of an audible event(n)

Synonyms: sound

Hyponyms: beat beep bell birr bleep bombilation bombination bong buzz chink chirp chirrup chorus click click-clack clink clip-clop clippety-clop clop clopping clump clumping clunk clunking cry ding drip dripping drum drum roll drumbeat footfall footstep gargle gurgle jangle jingle knock knocking murmur murmuration murmuring mussitation mutter muttering noise paradiddle pat patter peal pealing ping plunk pop popping purr quack quaver rap rataplan ring ringing roll rolling rub-a-dub sigh skirl song step strum susurration susurrus swish tap tapping throbbing thrum thud thump thumping thunk tick ticking ting tinkle tintinnabulation toll toot tootle trample trampling twang twitter vibrato voice vroom whack whir whirr whirring whistle whistling whiz zing zizz

Hypernyms: happening natural event occurrence occurrent

Examples: the sound awakened them

announce by means of a sound(v)

Synonyms: sound

Hypernyms: announce denote

Examples: sound the alarm

in excellent physical condition(a)

Synonyms: good sound

Examples: good teeth I still have one good leg a sound mind in a sound body

Similar: healthy

the audible part of a transmitted signal(n)

Synonyms: audio sound

Hypernyms: auditory communication

PartMeronyms: telecasting television tv video

PartMeronyms: telecasting television tv video

PartMeronyms: telecasting television tv video

Examples: they always raise the audio for commercials

utter with vibrating vocal chords(v)

Synonyms: sound vocalise vocalize voice

Hyponyms: chirk quaver waver

Hypernyms: articulate enounce enunciate pronounce say sound out

Antonyms: devoice

logically valid(a)

Synonyms: reasoned sound well-grounded

Examples: a sound argument

Similar: valid

(phonetics) an individual sound unit of speech without concern as to whether or not it is a phoneme of some language(n)

Synonyms: phone sound speech sound

Hyponyms: consonant glide orinasal orinasal phone phoneme semivowel sonant voiced sound vowel vowel sound

Hypernyms: language unit linguistic unit

PartMeronyms: utterance vocalization

PartMeronyms: utterance vocalization

PartMeronyms: utterance vocalization

cause to sound(v)

Synonyms: sound

Hyponyms: blow clink gong knell play pop prepare ring strum thrum ting twang

Examples: sound the bell sound a certain note

having legal efficacy or force(a)

Synonyms: effectual legal sound

Examples: a sound title to the property

Similar: valid

a narrow channel of the sea joining two larger bodies of water(n)

Synonyms: sound strait

Hyponyms: narrow

InstanceHyponyms: bering strait bosporus canakkale bogazi cook strait dardanelles east river golden gate hellespont kattegatt korea strait korean strait menai strait north channel pas de calais skagerak skagerrak solent strait of calais strait of dover strait of georgia strait of gibraltar strait of hormuz strait of magellan strait of messina strait of ormuz torres strait

Hypernyms: channel

measure the depth of (a body of water) with a sounding line(v)

Synonyms: fathom sound

Hypernyms: measure quantify

free from moral defect(a)

Synonyms: sound

Examples: a man of sound character

Similar: righteous

a large ocean inlet or deep bay(n)

Synonyms: sound

InstanceHyponyms: long island sound puget sound queen charlotte sound

Hypernyms: body of water water

Examples: the main body of the sound ran parallel to the coast

(of sleep) deep and complete(a)

Synonyms: heavy profound sound wakeless

Examples: a heavy sleep fell into a profound sleep a sound sleeper deep wakeless sleep

Similar: deep


Synonyms: sound

Examples: a sound thrashing

Similar: complete

In physics, sound is a vibration that propagates as an acoustic wave through a transmission medium such as a gas, liquid or solid. In human physiology and psychology, sound is the reception of such waves and their perception by the brain. Only acoustic waves that have frequencies lying between about 20 Hz and 20 kHz, the audio frequency range, elicit an auditory percept in humans. In air at atmospheric pressure, these represent sound waves with wavelengths of 17 meters (56 ft) to 1.7 centimeters (0.67 in). Sound waves above 20 kHz are known as ultrasound and are not audible to humans. Sound waves below 20 Hz are known as infrasound. Different animal species have varying hearing ranges.