کفشير،وسيله التيام واتصال ،لحيم کردن ،جوش دادن ،التيام دادن علوم مهندسى : لحيم الکترونيک : لحيم معمارى : لحيم

an alloy (usually of lead and tin) used when melted to join two metal surfaces(n)

Synonyms: solder

Hyponyms: hard solder silver solder soft solder

Hypernyms: alloy metal

join or fuse with solder(v)

Synonyms: solder

Hyponyms: braze dip solder soft-solder

Hypernyms: conjoin join

Examples: solder these two pipes together

Solder is a fusible metal alloy used to create a permanent bond between metal workpieces. Solder is melted in order to wet the parts of the joint, where it adheres to and connects the pieces after cooling. Metals or alloys suitable for use as solder should have a lower melting point than the pieces to be joined. The solder should also be resistant to oxidative and corrosive effects that would degrade the joint over time. Solder used in making electrical connections also needs to have favorable electrical characteristics.