being or resembling melting snow(a)

Synonyms: slushy

Examples: slushy snow deep slushy mud

Similar: unfrozen

effusively or insincerely emotional(a)

Synonyms: bathetic drippy hokey kitschy maudlin mawkish mushy schmaltzy schmalzy sentimental slushy soppy soupy

Examples: a bathetic novel maudlin expressions of sympathy mushy effusiveness a schmaltzy song sentimental soap operas slushy poetry

Similar: emotional

A slushy is a type of beverage made of flavored ice and a drink, similar to granitas but with a more liquid composition. It is also commonly called a slush, slurpee, frozen beverage, or frozen drink. A slushie can either be carbonated or non-carbonated; the carbonated version is sometimes called a frozen carbonated drink or frozen carbonated beverage.