محله کثيف ،خيابان پر جمعيت ،محلات پر جمعيت وپست شهر معمارى : زمين زيربنا روانشناسى : ناحيه فقيرنشين

a district of a city marked by poverty and inferior living conditions(n)

Synonyms: slum slum area

Hyponyms: shantytown skid row

Hypernyms: city district

spend time at a lower socio-economic level than one's own, motivated by curiosity or desire for adventure; usage considered condescending and insensitive(v)

Synonyms: slum

Hypernyms: pass spend

Examples: attending a motion picture show by the upper class was considered sluming in the early 20th century

A slum is a highly populated urban residential area consisting of densely packed housing units of weak build quality and often associated with poverty. The infrastructure in slums is often deteriorated or incomplete, and they are primarily inhabited by impoverished people. Although slums are usually located in urban areas, in some countries they can be located in suburban areas where housing quality is low and living conditions are poor. While slums differ in size and other characteristics, most lack reliable sanitation services, supply of clean water, reliable electricity, law enforcement, and other basic services. Slum residences vary from shanty houses to professionally built dwellings which, because of poor-quality construction or lack of basic maintenance, have deteriorated.