برف و باران ،برفابه ،يخدانه ،برف وباران ،بوران ،تگرگ ريز باريدن زيست شناسى : يخ پوشه

partially melted snow (or a mixture of rain and snow)(n)

Synonyms: sleet

Hypernyms: downfall precipitation

precipitate as a mixture of rain and snow(v)

Synonyms: sleet

Hypernyms: come down fall precipitate

Examples: If the temperature rises above freezing, it will probably sleet

Sleet is a regionally variant term for some meteorological phenomena:

  • Ice pellets, pellets of ice composed of frozen raindrops or refrozen melted snowflakes
  • Rain and snow mixed, snow that partially melts as it falls
  • Glaze (ice), a smooth coating of ice formed on objects by freezing rain.

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