نمايش خنده دار همراه با شوخى وسر وصدا

a boisterous comedy with chases and collisions and practical jokes(n)

Synonyms: slapstick

Hypernyms: comedy

characterized by horseplay and physical action(a)

Synonyms: slapstick

Examples: slapstick style of humor

Similar: humorous humourous

acoustic device consisting of two paddles hinged together; used by an actor to make a loud noise without inflicting injury when striking someone(n)

Synonyms: slapstick

Hypernyms: acoustic device

Slapstick is a style of humor involving exaggerated physical activity that exceeds the boundaries of normal physical comedy. Slapstick may involve both intentional violence and violence by mishap, often resulting from inept use of props such as saws and ladders.