پوسته ريخته گى ،چرم ،جلد،پوست کندن ،با پوست پوشاندن ،لخت کردن علوم مهندسى : پوست پوستى روانشناسى : پوست علوم هوايى : پوسته

a natural protective body covering and site of the sense of touch(n)

Synonyms: cutis skin tegument

Hyponyms: agnail buff cuticle dewlap foreskin hangnail investment prepuce scalp skin graft thick skin

Hypernyms: body covering connective tissue

PartHolonyms: blackhead comedo corium crease crinkle cuticle derma dermis epidermis freckle free nerve ending furrow lentigo line liver spot macula macule milium pacinian corpuscle pore pressure point scab seam skin cell sudoriferous gland sweat gland whitehead wrinkle

SubstanceHolonyms: melanin

PartMeronyms: integumentary system

SubstanceHolonyms: melanin

PartMeronyms: integumentary system

PartMeronyms: integumentary system

Examples: your skin is the largest organ of your body

climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling(v)

Synonyms: clamber scramble shin shinny skin sputter struggle

Hypernyms: climb

an outer surface (usually thin)(n)

Synonyms: skin

Hypernyms: surface

PartMeronyms: aircraft

PartMeronyms: aircraft

PartMeronyms: aircraft

Examples: the skin of an airplane

bruise, cut, or injure the skin or the surface of(v)

Synonyms: scrape skin

Hypernyms: injure wound

Examples: The boy skinned his knee when he fell

body covering of a living animal(n)

Synonyms: hide pelt skin

Hypernyms: body covering

remove the bark of a tree(v)

Synonyms: bark skin

Hypernyms: strip

a person's skin regarded as their life(n)

Synonyms: skin

Hypernyms: aliveness animation life living

Examples: he tried to save his skin

strip the skin off(v)

Synonyms: pare peel skin

Hyponyms: flay peel off

Hypernyms: strip

Examples: pare apples

the rind of a fruit or vegetable(n)

Synonyms: peel skin

Hyponyms: banana peel banana skin jacket lemon peel lemon rind orange peel orange rind

Hypernyms: rind

PartMeronyms: edible fruit

PartMeronyms: edible fruit

PartMeronyms: edible fruit

a bag serving as a container for liquids; it is made from the hide of an animal(n)

Synonyms: skin

Hyponyms: water skin waterskin wineskin

Hypernyms: bag

Skin is the layer of usually soft, flexible outer tissue covering the body of a vertebrate animal, with three main functions: protection, regulation, and sensation.