نقشه تقريبى ،کروکى ،شما،انگاره ،نقشه ساده ،شرح ،پيش نويس ازمايشى ،زمينه ،ملخص ،مسوده کردن ،پيش نويس چيزى را اماده کردن ،طرح خلاصه ،طراحى کليات علوم مهندسى : شرح خلاصه معمارى : پيشطرح بازرگانى : رسم نمودن علوم نظامى : طرح ساده

preliminary drawing for later elaboration(n)

Synonyms: sketch study

Hyponyms: design draft rough drawing vignette

Hypernyms: drawing

Examples: he made several studies before starting to paint

make a sketch of(v)

Synonyms: chalk out sketch

Hypernyms: draw

Examples: sketch the building

a brief literary description(n)

Synonyms: sketch vignette

Hypernyms: description

describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of(v)

Synonyms: adumbrate outline sketch

Hyponyms: block out

Hypernyms: depict describe draw

Examples: sketch the outline of the book outline his ideas

short descriptive summary (of events)(n)

Synonyms: resume sketch survey

Hypernyms: sum-up summary

a humorous or satirical drawing published in a newspaper or magazine(n)

Synonyms: cartoon sketch

Hyponyms: cartoon strip comic strip funnies strip

Hypernyms: humor humour wit witticism wittiness

PartMeronyms: publication

PartMeronyms: publication

PartMeronyms: publication

Sketch or Sketches may refer to:

  • Sketch (drawing), a rapidly executed freehand drawing that is not usually intended as a finished work