کالبد،اسکلت ،استخوان بندى ،ساختمان ،شالوده ،طرح ريزى روانشناسى : استخوان بندى

something reduced to its minimal form(n)

Synonyms: skeleton

Hypernyms: lower limit minimum

Examples: the battalion was a mere skeleton of its former self the bare skeleton of a novel

a scandal that is kept secret(n)

Synonyms: skeleton skeleton in the closet skeleton in the cupboard

Hypernyms: outrage scandal

Examples: there must be a skeleton somewhere in that family's closet

the hard structure (bones and cartilages) that provides a frame for the body of an animal(n)

Synonyms: frame skeletal system skeleton systema skeletale

Hyponyms: endoskeleton exoskeleton

Hypernyms: system

PartHolonyms: skeletal structure

PartMeronyms: musculoskeletal system

PartMeronyms: musculoskeletal system

PartMeronyms: musculoskeletal system

the internal supporting structure that gives an artifact its shape(n)

Synonyms: frame skeletal frame skeleton underframe

Hyponyms: chassis hoop

Hypernyms: supporting structure

PartMeronyms: aircraft building edifice ship

PartMeronyms: aircraft building edifice ship

PartMeronyms: aircraft building edifice ship

Examples: the building has a steel skeleton

A skeleton is the structural frame that supports the body of most animals. There are several types of skeletons, including the exoskeleton, which is a rigid outer shell that holds up an organism's shape; the endoskeleton, a rigid internal frame to which the organs and soft tissues attach; and the hydroskeleton, a flexible internal structure supported by the hydrostatic pressure of body fluids.