پيام ،هرچيز حامل اطلاعات ،علايم مخابراتى ،مخابره کردن ،رسته مخابرات ،علامت راهنماى خودرو،سيگنال ،نشان ،راهنما،اخطار،اشکار،مشخص ،با علامت ابلاغ کردن ،با اشاره رساندن ،خبر دادن ،علامت دادن علوم مهندسى : علامت کامپيوتر : علامت دادن الکترونيک : پيام شيمى : علامت روانشناسى : علامت بازرگانى : نشانه ورزش : پيام علوم هوايى : سيگنال علوم نظامى : علامت نشانه علوم دريايى : علامت دادن

any nonverbal action or gesture that encodes a message(n)

Synonyms: sign signal signaling

Hyponyms: alarm alarum alert all clear animal communication beam bugle call curfew distress call distress signal dog-ear drumbeat electronic signal high sign indicator input input signal number output output signal phone number radio beacon radio beam radiotelegraphic signal recording retreat start starting signal storm signal symbol telegraphic signal telephone number ticktack time signal visual signal warning signal whistle whistling

Hypernyms: communication

Examples: signals from the boat suddenly stopped

communicate silently and non-verbally by signals or signs(v)

Synonyms: sign signal signalise signalize

Hyponyms: flag heliograph semaphore whistle wigwag

Hypernyms: communicate intercommunicate

Examples: He signed his disapproval with a dismissive hand gesture The diner signaled the waiters to bring the menu

notably out of the ordinary(a)

Synonyms: signal

Examples: the year saw one signal triumph for the Labour party

Similar: impressive

any incitement to action(n)

Synonyms: signal

Hypernyms: incitation incitement provocation

Examples: he awaited the signal to start the victory was a signal for wild celebration

be a signal for or a symptom of(v)

Synonyms: bespeak betoken indicate point signal

Hyponyms: augur auspicate betoken bode forecast foreshadow foretell mark omen portend predict prefigure presage prognosticate

Hypernyms: tell

Examples: These symptoms indicate a serious illness Her behavior points to a severe neurosis The economic indicators signal that the euro is undervalued

an electric quantity (voltage or current or field strength) whose modulation represents coded information about the source from which it comes(n)

Synonyms: signal

Hyponyms: interrupt

Hypernyms: electrical energy electricity

Signal refers to both the process and the result of transmission of data over some media accomplished by embedding some variation. Signals are important in multiple subject fields including signal processing, information theory and biology.