پوشش ،لفافه ،طناب اتصال بادبان بنوک عرشه کشتى ،پوشاندن ،در زير حجاب نگاه داشتن ،کفن کردن معمارى : پوشش قانون ـ فقه : کفن ورزش : طناب از دکل به عرشه براى کمک به دکل علوم دريايى : - guy 1

a line that suspends the harness from the canopy of a parachute(n)

Synonyms: shroud

Hypernyms: line

PartMeronyms: chute parachute

PartMeronyms: chute parachute

PartMeronyms: chute parachute

cover as if with a shroud(v)

Synonyms: cover enshroud hide shroud

Hypernyms: enclose enfold envelop enwrap wrap

Examples: The origins of this civilization are shrouded in mystery

(nautical) a line (rope or chain) that regulates the angle at which a sail is set in relation to the wind(n)

Synonyms: mainsheet sheet shroud tack weather sheet

Hyponyms: futtock shroud

Hypernyms: line

PartMeronyms: ship

PartMeronyms: ship

PartMeronyms: ship

form a cover like a shroud(v)

Synonyms: shroud

Hypernyms: cover spread over

Examples: Mist shrouded the castle

burial garment in which a corpse is wrapped(n)

Synonyms: cerement pall shroud winding-clothes winding-sheet

Hypernyms: burial garment

wrap in a shroud(v)

Synonyms: shroud

Hypernyms: wrap wrap up

Examples: shroud the corpses

Shroud usually refers to an item, such as a cloth, that covers or protects some other object. The term is most often used in reference to burial sheets, mound shroud, grave clothes, winding-cloths or winding-sheets, such as the famous Shroud of Turin, tachrichim that Jews are dressed in for burial, or the white cotton kaffan sheets Muslims are wrapped in for burial.