دوشى ،فاصله بين گلوله و باروت( در فشنگ)،دوش ،کتف ،هرچيزى شبيه شانه ،جناح ،باشانه زور دادن ،هل دادن علوم مهندسى : دو طرف خاکى جاده معمارى : شانه راه ورزش : سمت موجى که هنوز نشکسته علوم نظامى : فاصله بين گلوله و باروت

the part of the body between the neck and the upper arm(n)

Synonyms: shoulder

Hypernyms: body part

PartHolonyms: armpit axilla axillary cavity axillary fossa teres teres muscle

PartMeronyms: body torso trunk

PartMeronyms: body torso trunk

PartMeronyms: body torso trunk

lift onto one's shoulders(v)

Synonyms: shoulder

Hypernyms: bring up elevate get up lift raise

a cut of meat including the upper joint of the foreleg(n)

Synonyms: shoulder

Hypernyms: cut cut of meat

PartMeronyms: chuck

PartMeronyms: chuck

PartMeronyms: chuck

push with the shoulders(v)

Synonyms: shoulder

Hypernyms: thrust

Examples: He shouldered his way into the crowd

a ball-and-socket joint between the head of the humerus and a cavity of the scapula(n)

Synonyms: articulatio humeri shoulder shoulder joint

Hypernyms: articulatio spheroidea ball-and-socket joint cotyloid joint enarthrodial joint enarthrosis spheroid joint

PartHolonyms: arteria circumflexa humeri arteria circumflexa scapulae circumflex humeral artery circumflex scapular artery rotator cuff scapula shoulder blade shoulder bone

PartMeronyms: body torso trunk

PartMeronyms: body torso trunk

PartMeronyms: body torso trunk

carry a burden, either real or metaphoric(v)

Synonyms: shoulder

Hypernyms: carry transport

Examples: shoulder the burden

the part of a garment that covers or fits over the shoulder(n)

Synonyms: shoulder

Hypernyms: cloth covering

PartMeronyms: garment

PartMeronyms: garment

PartMeronyms: garment

Examples: an ornamental gold braid on the shoulder of his uniform

a narrow edge of land (usually unpaved) along the side of a road(n)

Synonyms: berm shoulder

Hyponyms: hard shoulder

Hypernyms: edge

PartMeronyms: road route

PartMeronyms: road route

PartMeronyms: road route

Examples: the car pulled off onto the shoulder

The human shoulder is made up of three bones: the clavicle (collarbone), the scapula, and the humerus as well as associated muscles, ligaments and tendons.