ضربه پالسی حالت گذرایی با مدت زمان کوتاه که دامنه ی آن به مقدار قابل توجهی بیش از دامنه ی متوسط پالس یا سیگنال مربوط به آن است.

ضربه ، پشته ، جهش ، اسپیک


میخ بزرگ


مخلوط شدن


ميخ دار کردن ، ميخکوب کردن .ميخ، ميله، تير، ميخ بزرگ، ميخ طويله، ميخ بلند کف کفش فوتباليست هاو ورزشکاران

مي . ميله.تير. مي  بزرگ.مي  طويله.مي  بلند کف کفش فوتباليست هاو ورزشکاران مي  دار کردن.ميخکوب کردن

ميخ ته کفش ،کوفتن توپ به زمين بعد از کسب امتياز ابشار،ميله ،تير،ميخ بزرگ ،ميخ طويله ،ميخ بلند کف کفش فوتباليست هاو ورزشکاران ميخ دار کردن ،ميخکوب کردنکامپيوتر : ولتاژ گذراى کوتاه مدت و نوک تيزعمران : گل ميخروانشناسى : خيزکورزش : اسپک ،ضربه زدن يا مجروح کردن کسى با ميخ ته کفشعلوم دريايى : پازور

a transient variation in voltage or current(n)

Synonyms: spike

Hypernyms: electrical discharge

stand in the way of(v)

Synonyms: spike

Hypernyms: banish bar relegate

sports equipment consisting of a sharp point on the sole of a shoe worn by athletes(n)

Synonyms: spike

Hyponyms: climber climbing iron crampon crampoon piton pricket

Hypernyms: sports equipment

PartMeronyms: shoe

PartMeronyms: shoe

PartMeronyms: shoe

Examples: spikes provide greater traction

pierce with a sharp stake or point(v)

Synonyms: empale impale spike transfix

Hyponyms: pin spear

Hypernyms: pierce thrust

Examples: impale a shrimp on a skewer

fruiting spike of a cereal plant especially corn(n)

Synonyms: capitulum ear spike

Hyponyms: mealie

Hypernyms: fruit

PartMeronyms: corn indian corn maize zea mays

PartMeronyms: corn indian corn maize zea mays

PartMeronyms: corn indian corn maize zea mays

secure with spikes(v)

Synonyms: spike

Hypernyms: fasten fix secure

(botany) an indeterminate inflorescence bearing sessile flowers on an unbranched axis(n)

Synonyms: spike

Hypernyms: inflorescence

PartHolonyms: spadix

bring forth a spike or spikes(v)

Synonyms: spike spike out

Hypernyms: develop

Examples: my hyacinths and orchids are spiking now

a sharp rise followed by a sharp decline(n)

Synonyms: spike

Hypernyms: rise

Examples: the seismograph showed a sharp spike in response to the temblor

add alcohol to (beverages)(v)

Synonyms: fortify lace spike

Hypernyms: alter change modify

Examples: the punch is spiked!

a very high narrow heel on women's shoes(n)

Synonyms: spike spike heel stiletto heel

Hypernyms: heel

manifest a sharp increase(v)

Synonyms: spike

Hypernyms: increase

Examples: the voltage spiked

each of the sharp points on the soles of athletic shoes to prevent slipping (or the shoes themselves)(n)

Synonyms: spike

Hyponyms: gaff

Hypernyms: point

Examples: the second baseman sharpened his spikes before every game golfers' spikes damage the putting greens

a sharp-pointed projection along the top of a fence or wall (or a dinosaur)(n)

Synonyms: spike

Hypernyms: projection

a long, thin sharp-pointed implement (wood or metal)(n)

Synonyms: spike

Hypernyms: implement

Examples: one of the spikes impaled him

any holding device consisting of a rigid, sharp-pointed object(n)

Synonyms: spike spindle

Hypernyms: holding device

Examples: the spike pierced the receipts and held them in order

a large stout nail(n)

Synonyms: spike

Hypernyms: nail

Examples: they used spikes to fasten the rails to a railroad tie

Spike, spikes, or spiking may refer to: