

دوده ، دوده بخاري ، رنگسياه دوده ، دوده زدن .

دوده . دوده بخاري . رنگ سياه دوده . دوده زدن

دوده گرفتن ،دوده بخارى ،رنگ سياه دوده ،دوده زدنعلوم مهندسى : دودهزيست شناسى : دوده

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مهندسی شیمی:
fullerene soot
دوده فولرن

a black colloidal substance consisting wholly or principally of amorphous carbon and used to make pigments and ink(n)

Synonyms: carbon black crock lampblack smut soot

Hypernyms: atomic number 6 c carbon

coat with soot(v)

Synonyms: soot

Hypernyms: coat surface

Soot is a mass of impure carbon particles resulting from the incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons. It is more properly restricted to the product of the gas-phase combustion process but is commonly extended to include the residual pyrolysed fuel particles such as coal, cenospheres, charred wood, and petroleum coke that may become airborne during pyrolysis and that are more properly identified as cokes or char.

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