




جامد ، توپر، ماده یا نسج سفت


نيرومند ، قابل اطمينان .خالص ، ناب ،بسته ، منجمد ،سخت ، يک پارچه ، مکعب ، حجمي ، سه بعدي ، توپر،جامد ،ز جسم ، ماده جامد ، سفت ، سخت ، مکعب ، سه بعدي ، محکم ، استوار ، قوي ،

جامد. ز جسم.ماده جامد. سفت.سخت.مکعب.سه بعدي .محکم.استوار. قوي.خالص. ناب.بسته.منجمد. سخت .يک پارچه.مکعب.حجمي.سه بعدي.توپر. نيرومند.قابل اطمينان

ثابت ،سخت پا،دج ،يکپارچه ،يکسان ،ز جسم ،ماده جامد،سفت ،محکم ،استوار،قوى ،خالص ،ناب ،بسته ،منجمد،سخت ،يک پارچه ،مکعب ،حجمى ،سه بعدى ،توپر،نيرومند،قابل اطمينانعلوم مهندسى : جامدمعمارى : فضائىورزش : جامد،تيمى با بازيگران خوبعلوم هوايى : جامد

فرهنگ لغات عمومي
جامد،بسته،منجمد،سفت،سخت،استوار،محکم،توپر،یک پارچه،موافق
فرهنگ لغات رايانه
فرهنگ لغات الکترونيک
فرهنگ لغات عمران و معماري
فرهنگ لغات مکانيک
فرهنگ لغات مهندسي شيمي
فرهنگ لغات دامپزشکي
فرهنگ لغات پزشکي
جامد، توپر، ماده یا نسج سفت.
فرهنگ لغات علوم سياسي
فرهنگ لغات فلسفه
فرهنگ لغات مهندسي متالورژي
فرهنگ لغات مهندسي کشاورزي
فرهنگ لغات علوم پايه
صلب (فیزیک)
فرهنگ لغات تربيت بدني

زمین شناسی:
addition solid solution
محلول جامد افزایشی
علوم پایه:
addition solid solution (cryc)
حل افزایشی جامد (برودت‌شناسی)
عمومی :
airless solid injection
تزریق بدون کمپرسور
مهندسی مکانیک:
airless solid injection
تزریق بدون کمپرسور
مهندسی کامپیوتر:
amorphous solid
جامد نابریخت
علوم پایه:
amorphous solid (solid state)
جامد بی‌شکل (حالت جامد)
مهندسی کامپیوتر:
archimedean solid
جسم ارشمیدسی
علوم پایه:
band theory of solid (solid state)
نظریه نواری جامد (حالت جامد)
زمین شناسی:
binary solid solution
محلول جامد دوتایی
carburizing by solid matter
کربن خورانی جامد
برق قدرت و مخابرات:
coaxial line with solid dielectric
کابل هم محور با عایق جامد
عمومی :
color solid
سه بعدی رنگ نما
روانشناسی :
color solid
سه بعدی رنگ نما
علوم پایه:
color solid (optics)
جامد رنگی (اپتیک)
زمین شناسی:
complete solid solution
محلول جامد کامل

matter that is solid at room temperature and pressure(n)

Synonyms: solid

Hyponyms: crystal dry ice food glass plastic powder precipitate pulverisation pulverization solid food vitrification

Hypernyms: matter

characterized by good substantial quality(a)

Synonyms: solid

Examples: solid comfort a solid base hit

Similar: good

the state in which a substance has no tendency to flow under moderate stress; resists forces (such as compression) that tend to deform it; and retains a definite size and shape(n)

Synonyms: solid solid state solidness

Hypernyms: state state of matter

of definite shape and volume; firm; neither liquid nor gaseous(a)

Synonyms: solid

Examples: ice is water in the solid state

Antonyms: gaseous liquid

Similar: coagulated concrete congealed dry jelled jellied semisolid solid-state solidified

a three-dimensional shape(n)

Synonyms: solid

Hyponyms: block cast concave shape concavity convex shape convexity cube cylinder frustum incurvation incurvature mold mould ovoid polyhedron stamp toroid

Hypernyms: form shape

entirely of one substance with no holes inside(a)

Synonyms: solid

Examples: a solid block of wood

Antonyms: hollow

Similar: massive

of one substance or character throughout(a)

Synonyms: solid

Examples: solid gold carved out of solid rock

Similar: homogeneous homogenous

uninterrupted in space; having no gaps or breaks(a)

Synonyms: solid

Examples: a solid line across the page solid sheets of water

Similar: unbroken

providing abundant nourishment(a)

Synonyms: hearty satisfying solid square substantial

Examples: a hearty meal good solid food ate a substantial breakfast four square meals a day

Similar: wholesome

of good quality and condition; solidly built(a)

Synonyms: solid strong substantial

Examples: a solid foundation several substantial timber buildings

Similar: sound

not soft or yielding to pressure(a)

Synonyms: firm solid

Examples: a firm mattress the snow was firm underfoot solid ground

Similar: hard

having three dimensions(a)

Synonyms: solid

Examples: a solid object

Similar: cubic three-dimensional

impenetrable for the eye(a)

Synonyms: solid

Examples: solid blackness

Similar: opaque

financially sound(a)

Synonyms: solid

Examples: the bank is solid and will survive this attack

Similar: sound

of a substantial character and not frivolous or superficial(a)

Synonyms: solid

Examples: work of solid scholarship based on solid facts

Similar: serious

meriting respect or esteem(a)

Synonyms: solid upstanding

Examples: an upstanding member of the community

Similar: respectable

of the same color throughout(a)

Synonyms: self-colored self-coloured solid

Examples: solid color

Similar: homogeneous homogenous

acting together as a single undiversified whole(a)

Synonyms: solid unanimous whole

Examples: a solid voting bloc

Similar: undiversified

Solid is one of the four fundamental states of matter along with liquid, gas, and plasma. The molecules in a solid are closely packed together and contain the least amount of kinetic energy. A solid is characterized by structural rigidity and resistance to a force applied to the surface. Unlike a liquid, a solid object does not flow to take on the shape of its container, nor does it expand to fill the entire available volume like a gas. The atoms in a solid are bound to each other, either in a regular geometric lattice, or irregularly. Solids cannot be compressed with little pressure whereas gases can be compressed with little pressure because the molecules in a gas are loosely packed.