علامت سئوال ، ادوات استفهام ، پرسشي .

علامت سئوال . ادوات استفهام . پرسشي

فرهنگ جامع


علامت سئوال ،ادوات استفهام ،پرسشى

فرهنگ جامع


فرهنگ لغات عمومي
پرسشی،استفهامی،ادات پرسش،ادات استفهام

عمومی :
interrogative adverb
قید استفهامی

a sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply(n)

Synonyms: interrogation interrogative interrogative sentence question

Hyponyms: cross-question leading question yes-no question

Hypernyms: sentence

Examples: he asked a direct question he had trouble phrasing his interrogations

relating to verbs in the so-called interrogative mood(a)

Synonyms: interrogative

Examples: not all questions have an interrogative construction

some linguists consider interrogative sentences to constitute a mood(n)

Synonyms: interrogative interrogative mood

Hypernyms: modality mode mood

relating to the use of or having the nature of an interrogation(a)

Synonyms: interrogative interrogatory

Antonyms: asserting declarative declaratory

An interrogative clause is a clause whose form is typically associated with question-like meanings. For instance, the English sentence "Is Hannah sick?" has interrogative syntax which distinguishes it from its declarative counterpart "Hannah is sick". Also, the additional question mark closing the statement assures that the reader is informed of the interrogative mood. Interrogative clauses may sometimes be embedded within a phrase, for example: "Paul knows who is sick", where the interrogative clause "who is sick" serves as complement of the embedding verb "know".