آموزاندن ، آموختن به ، راهنمائي کردن ، تعليم دادن(به)، ياد دادن (به).

دستور دادن ،اموزاندن ،اموختن به ،راهنمايى کردن ،تعليم دادن(به)،ياد دادن( به)علوم نظامى : اموزش دادن

فرهنگ لغات عمومي
دستور دادن (به)،تعلیم دادن (به)،تایید کردن،محرز کردن
فرهنگ لغات مديريت
ابلاغ کردن
فرهنگ لغات حقوق و فقه
دستور دادن

impart skills or knowledge to(v)

Synonyms: instruct learn teach

Hyponyms: catechise catechize coach condition develop drill edify educate enlighten ground indoctrinate induct lecture mentor prepare reinforce reward spoonfeed talk train tutor unteach

Hypernyms: inform

Examples: I taught them French He instructed me in building a boat

give instructions or directions for some task(v)

Synonyms: instruct

Hyponyms: charge

Hypernyms: enjoin order say tell

Examples: She instructed the students to work on their pronunciation

make aware of(v)

Synonyms: apprise apprize instruct

Hyponyms: brief direct

Hypernyms: inform

Examples: Have the students been apprised of the tuition hike?