تجديد ، نوسازي ، تعمير ، احياء ، تجديد بنا.

تجديد . نوسازي . تعمير . احياء . تجديد بنا

نوسازى ،تعمير،احياء،تجديد بنا

فرهنگ لغات عمومي

the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new(n)

Synonyms: creation foundation founding initiation innovation instauration institution introduction origination

Hyponyms: authorship paternity

Hypernyms: beginning commencement start

Examples: she looked forward to her initiation as an adult the foundation of a new scientific society

Instauration was a monthly magazine published between December 1975 and February 2000 by white supremacist Sumner Humphrey Ireland, under the pen-name "Wilmot Robertson". Robertson's work was funded by Wickliffe Draper's Pioneer Fund.